Outreach Activities:
Training and Development:
Our educational activities have included graduate and undergraduate student training, and conference, industry, and workshop presentations.
- Keerthi Dasala was chosen for an internship at Nokia Bell Labs the summer of 2019.
- Chia-Yi Yeh and Yasaman Ghasempour, collaboration at University of Buffalo, 2019.
- Rice graduate student, Vinicius Da Silva Goncalves advised by PI Knightly completed a summer internship at Facebook, 2021.
- Rice graduate student, Shreya Gupta advised by PI Knightly completed a summer internship at Apple, 2022.
Honors and Awards:
- Knightly, received the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance Award for Research on New Opportunities for Dynamic Spectrum Access.
- Rice graduate student, Vinicius Da Silva Goncalves advised by PI Knightly will begin a position at Facebook, 2023.
Invited Presentations:
- PI Knightly, Scaling and Securing Spectrum Access up to THz, IEEE DySPAN 2018, Seoul, Korea, October 2018. (Keynote Presentation)
- PI Knightly, Experimentation Meets Platforms, IEEE INFOCOM 2019, Paris, FR, May 2019. (Keynote Presentation)
- PI Gurewitz, NSF SpecEES PI Meeting and Workshop, Newport Beach, California, February 2020.
- PI Knightly presented WLANs above 100 GHz: Mobility, Sensing, and Security, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC 2021), January 2021. (Plenary Keynote)
- PI Knightly presented Wireless Communication, Sensing, and Security from Millimeter Wave to Terahertz, IEEE Innovations in Information Technology, November 2020. (Plenary Keynote)
- PI Knightly presented Conquering the Spectrum, 6G Symposium, October 2020. (Invited Presentation)
- Knightly, Wireless Networking, Security, and Sensing above 100 GHz, ACM MobiCom 2021, New Orleans, LA, March 2022. (Invited Presentation)
- Knightly, Wireless Networking, Security, and Sensing above 100 GHz, International Telecommunication Union (ITU) webinar, October 2022. (Invited Presentation)
- Knightly, Wireless Networking, Security, and Sensing above 100 GHz, Technical University of Braunschweig, June 2022. (Invited Presentation)
- Knightly, THz Physical Layer Security,1st International Workshop on Metrology for THz Communications, June 2022. (Invited Presentation)